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_ _ _ _ FLOWERS

grandpa’s garden wore a belt with suspenders

                          like him

flowers meant to be straight and white


and kept in line

                          like family

careful cuttings placed just so


curated, to keep up just the right appearances

                         like us

in rich but shallow loam


no weeds allowed

                         like me

only the controlled and cultivated


domesticated creatures tied to stakes

                         planned and potted

and governed by the rod


regimented soldiers in a manicured Arlington

                          buried by his own hand

garden variety fascism, always well-intentioned


But look to the shade

                         where I exist

to what grows up on the margins


popping up without permission

                         dirty, unapologetic

standing there at the foot of the bed


swaying there in the shadows

                         perennial, resistant, shameless 

my seed carried by wind and wing


and watered in trickle-down undergrounds

                         cracks in his plans

not sheltering in store-bought soils


for grandpa and his garden are all but forgotten

                         nothing but dust

now I am no dirtier than you



Published by Synkroniciti Magazine Vol. 5, No. 1, Katherine McDaniel, editor 

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